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"Gilmore Girls" Gone for Good... Officially Now

Gilmore Girls has been cancelled... officially, that is. Longtime readers of this site know that I reported the cancellation weeks ago, based on information passed along to me from an insider who worked on the production.

Fast forward to today. The Los Angeles Times is reporting that the May 15th finale planned for Gilmore Girls will in fact be the series' last episode, which will wrap its run after seven seasons. As a former fan of the series, I can say that it's a relief that the series, which long outstayed its welcome in the face of creator Amy Sherman-Palladino's departure (and a tense, creatively weak Season Six) as well as the fantastically awful tenure of David Rosenthal during the series' weak Season Seven.

As for those rumors in recent weeks that the CW and Warner Bros Television had been in discussions about a truncated 13-episode Season Eight Run? The deal didn't pan out in the end (no surprise) and the show will now end at the end of the month.

The CW and Warner Bros. Television offered the following statement:

"Announcing the final season of Gilmore Girls is truly a sad moment for everyone at The CW and Warner Bros. Television. This series helped define a network and created a fantastic, storybook world featuring some of television's most memorable, lovable characters."
Is it sad? Not really. A little bittersweet, however, given how much I adored Gilmore's first five seasons. But in the end, that's what DVD and syndication are for. In the meantime, it's been long time that Lorelai, Rory, and Emily Gilmore were retired from primetime television.

So long, girls, and thanks for my rosy memories of the early days.


Anonymous saidā€¦
I know there was once talk of Amy Sherman-Palladino returning for the series finale to contribute in some manner, but I'm assuming that didn't happen.

Any word?
rockauteur saidā€¦
Thank god. I stopped watching that show after the first season, but I suppose there was a reason to tune in for more. At least maybe this spells good news for Veronica Mars... with 7th Heaven and Gilmore Girls heading out to the pastures (and probably most of their Monday night lineup), can CW afford to lose yet another existing series? I know they don't have much real estate for launching new shows, but they have to still keep a few of them around...

Let's cross our fingers and hope yesterday's presentation of the $250,000 VM: FBI pitch went well, or at least persuaded the series to come back in some form.
rockauteur saidā€¦
Yeah Mikey Loves tv makes a good point - what happened to Amy Sherman-Palladino's script for the series finale that she kept talking about while in salary negotiations two years ago?
ticknart saidā€¦
Any news about what's next for the girls? (Besides that Evan movie.)

Is it true that Melissa McCarthy was cast in a pilot already? She's one of those actresses who always make me smile when she appears on screen.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Thank goodness. And I don't mean that in a cruel way. I was a huge fan of the show and still consider it to be one of my all time favorites but the last couple of seasons have just been painful. I'm glad they are ending it so that the wonderfully talented cast can go on to do other things that, hopefully, will be great as well. And I'm really looking forward to Amy Sherman-Palladino's new pilot with Parker Posey.
Anonymous saidā€¦
With Gossip Girl shaping up to be a promising new show for the fall it was pretty much a given that one of the existing female friendly shows would be going. With Rory graduating from Yale she would be in a more adult world that strays from the younger demographics that WB, UPN and now CW tend to target. While it is sad to see a long term show leave this one should not be a big surprise to anyone.

One has to wonder what this potentially means for Veronica Mars though. The FBI pitch seems like it might be out of step if it was to be paired with Gossip Girl. Rob Thomas has also hinted that season three will end in a cliff hanger. Fast forwarding several years to Veronica being in the FBI could take some tricky maunervering to solve. It may also make the show appeal to an older demographic which may not work as well as its current setting if it ia paired with a show targetting a younger audience.
The CineManiac saidā€¦
Personally I still love the GG. While I agree this season is not it's best the last few episodes have really shined and I'm still loving it. So I'm slightly saddened by the news.
But I'm hoping like many of us, that this means good news for VM. And personally I hope the CW picks up Reaper, the Kevin Smith directed pilot which sounds fun and pairs it with VM as the lead in.
A detective show followed by a show about a dead kid tracking down evil from hell, what more could one want from an evening of television?
Anonymous saidā€¦
::nods at Cinemaniac's first paragraph::

While I would never call this season stellar, there actually have been some stand out eps, including the last two.

and there have been some really bad ones. But in most of them, there have always been glimpses of the show that once was. I really don't think this season was a disaster. A disappointment, maybe, but not a disaster.

Still, I am ok with it going. I am ready. It's time. It's bittersweet, but it's time.

I just really hope they planned ahead.
Vance saidā€¦
hmm... for a sec I was okay with Gilmore Girls ending but what DOES that bode for Veronica Mars? I heard that it depended on what happened to its lead in... which is Gilmore Girls...

OH NO...

I can have closure on Gilmore Girls but IM NOT READY FOR VERONICA MARS TO END.
((Ray)) saidā€¦
Of course GG was best when Rory was in the school uniform, and its had its highs and lows. Season 7 has flaws but its not as bad as the detractors thought it would be; its still a brilliant show, one of the smartest on television right now.

As long as Lorelai and Luke get together in the end I'll be happy.

But I would really really love it for Jess to be in the last episode. I think everybody would but eh it ain't gonna happen.

Its for the best that the series gets adequate closure. A real ending, a real sense of completeness. To drag on forever past Rory's Yale years wouldn't work. A shame Amy-Sherman Palladino didn't make it to the end. But at least we had the times we did

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